Spårvagn – Valfri linje

25 kr650 kr

Illustration av den klassiska M29 spårvagen i Göteborg.

Vilken linje är du? Välj din favoritlinje.

Illustration of the classic Ms9 tram in Gothenburg.

Which line are you? Choose your favourite line.


Most Gothenburgers are affected by the city’s trams, many may feel both hate and love for these metallic vehicle that takes you through the beautiful city. But everyone has a favorite line, a line that takes the home and taking them from the home to new adventures.

Which line are you? Choose your favorite line.

The gothenburg tram network has existed in Gothenburg since 1879 – first horse trams since 1902 and electric trams. Horse trams were operated by a British company, The Gothenburg Tramways Company Ltd.

Gothenburg tram network is today with its path length of 161 km single track the largest tram system in the Nordic countries. The lines generally have a departure every ten minutes during peak hours. There will be approximately 2400 trips and around 36 000 km, almost one lap around the Earth per day total.


Pop-in love local design. We have collected over 100 detailed posters that capture our favourite places and buildings. If you miss something we want you as a customer to be able customise a product to your needs. Look for the ”Customize” label to make your own version. Some of the products are only available in a limited edition. We have a sustainability thinking, the paper is recycled and manufactured in Sweden.

For the sake of the environment, we have no stock. Each artwork is printed when the order is placed. For sizes 40×50 and upwards, a few more days may be added. Sold without frame.

Support a local designer. Buy unique items online.


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